Frequently Asked Questions
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Home » Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find a list of the frequently asked questions our advisers and administrative staff get asked by the people we help. Our staff pride themselves on being as helpful as possible and try to answer any questions you may have.
We have broken the frequently asked questions in to six groups to help finding your answer easier. Scroll to the group related to your question and then look in the list to see if we cover it. You can also filter the lists down by typing in your question.
If we do not answer your question on this page, please feel free to contact us on 0800 567 7450.
Common Questions
Am I Guaranteed A Payout With Life Insurance?
There is often a stigma around Life Insurance claims that people believe that Insurers do not want to pay out on these policies and will use any excuse not to. This often comes from biased articles that highlight cases where Life Insurance policies …
Can I Get Life Insurance After A Heart Attack?
Can I Get Life Insurance After Breast Cancer?
If you have been diagnosed with stage 0, low grade breast cancer with no lymph node involvement, have no other medical complications and have been clear of treatment for cancer for six months, then you may be able to secure a Life Insurance policy at…
Can I Get Life Insurance At 75?
It is often possible to get Life Insurance when you are 75. You may be able to get a standard Term Life Insurance that can be used to insure you up to 90 years of age; most likely the cheapest option. Alternatively you could apply for Whole of Life …
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Live Abroad?
In order to get a UK life insurance policy you will need a UK bank account and address. It is possible for some non domiciled people to arrange a life insurance policy, if they have retained interest within the UK e.g. children, mortgage, business, e…
Can I Get Life Insurance With HIV?
Recent changes within the insurance market mean that individuals with HIV have a much broader choice of Life Insurance policies than they used to. There are now a range of insurance providers who will offer clients with HIV Life Insurance f…
Can I Pay For My Policy By Cheque Or Cash?
You cannot pay for your policy by cash. Some Insurance Providers will accept a cheque for annual payments of Insurance policies but this is becoming less frequent and is usually for large policies only, but this cannot be done where monthly premiums …
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
This is dependent upon your budget and what you are looking to insure against (insurable interest). Factors such as your annual salary, mortgage liability and your dependants will all contribute to the amount of cover that you can be insured for. An …
I Am A Social Smoker, Can I Get Life Insurance?
You can get Life Insurance if you are a social smoker but you will be classed as a smoker by the insurer. Whilst it may be tempting to omit the fact that you smoke socially it is really not worth it. In the unfortunate circumstance that you were to d…
I Do Not Feel Comfortable Providing My Bank Details Over The Telephone, Can I Provide Them In Another Way?
Of course you can. We use a secure file transfer system where you can upload your direct debit details to us. We can also provide you with the direct contact details for your insurance provider, so that you can ring them and provide the details if…
I Have Been Declined Life Insurance Previously, Is There Anything I Can Do?
The insurance industry is constantly changing its underwriting standards and there are plenty of people who were previously declined insurance who can now have it. Many people are declined insurance because they have placed an application with an ins…
What Is Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is a protection policy that pays out a cash lump sum to your family should you pass during the term of the policy. The policy pay out is a tax free benefit* that can be used by your family however they see fit. It is usually recomm…
Who Is The Best Life Insurance Company?
This is fully dependent upon your individual circumstances. Different Insurers are better for age, smoker status, BMI, medical conditions, foreign travel and occupation classes. Insurance Providers will not factor your gender, sexual orientation or r…
Health Questions
Can Diabetics Get Life Insurance?
In the majority of circumstance diabetics can get Life Insurance. We regularly source this cover and know the best providers to approach for the cover. In order to submit your application we will need to know the length of your diagnosis, your HbA1…
Can I Get Critical Illness Cover After Cancer?
It is possible to get Critical Illness Cover once you have been free of cancer for a set period of time. With some low staging and grading cancers Critical Illness Cover can be available at standard terms. However most individuals with a history of c…
Can I Get Life Insurance After Cancer?
There are quite a few options for arranging life insurance after cancer diagnoses, there are even options if you currently have cancer. Regardless of your situation the insurer is going to want to know some specific things are your cancer: Stag…
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Asthma?
Life Insurance applications for asthmatics should be dealt with no differently than someone without the condition. The insurer will want to know the type of asthma that you have, the time of onset of the condition and any medications that you use. …
Can I Get Life Insurance While Pregnant?
You can get Life Insurance while you are pregnant and this should not differ to if you had made the application before your pregnancy. The main factor that could affect your application is if you have had any complications associated with pregnancy s…
Can I Get Life Insurance With A Heart Condition?
Life insurance and heart conditions may sound like a no go combination, but there are options available to you. We have arranged cover for clients who have heart attacks, have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, left bundle branch block, POTS, etc. Dependin…
Can I Get Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure?
It is possible to have Life Insurance with high blood pressure, at either normal or rated premiums depending upon the severity of the condition and other contributing factors. In order to proceed with your application you will need to provide us wit…
Can I Get Life Insurance With Sleep Apnoea?
You can often have Life Insurance when you have sleep apnea. Your policy will need to be reviewed by the insurer alongside a GP report that details the severity of your condition, length of diagnosis, treatment used and any other significant medical…
Can You Get Critical Illness Cover For Diabetics?
You can get Critical Illness Cover for diabetics but this is a very specialist policy, currently only available to people diagnosed in their 30s or 40s, in very good health. Due to you being diabetic it is highly likely that the policy premiums will …
Can You Get Life Insurance For Diabetics?
You can get Life Insurance when you are diabetic provided that the condition is well controlled. The underwriting terms that you are offered will be based upon the type of diabetes that you have, your HbA1c reading, any other significant medical cond…
Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Heart Attack?
Yes and no. Critical Illness policies will cover you for a heart attack that is diagnosed at a specified severity, that is set by the insurer. There are some Critical Illness policies that are available that will pay a portion of the policy sum assur…
Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Lupus?
Many Critical Illness policies will pay out a claim if you are diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). If you already have SLE then it will be difficult for you to secure a Critical Illness policy; insurers are more likely to offer cover t…
Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Skin Cancer?
Yes and no. This really depends upon the type of skin cancer that you have and the insurer that you have cover with. High grading skin cancers are covered by many Critical Illness plans, but low grading skin cancer will not be covered by most mainstr…
How Do I Apply For Life Insurance With No Medical?
This is a bit of a tricky question to answer. The following combination of factors could result in your application requiring a medical: A high sum assured on the policy being applied The type of policy applied for Your age Your medical …
I Have HIV And Want Life Insurance But I Am Concerned About People Finding Out About My Condition. What Can Be Done To Reduce This Risk?
Please be assured that your application will be dealt with in the strictest confidence with ourselves. We have established procedures with our insurance providers to ensure that your HIV status is discussed primarily with your Specialist only, if you…
I Need HIV Life Insurance But I Am Worried About Confidentiality
I have HIV and want Life Insurance but I am concerned about people finding out about my condition. What can be done to reduce this risk? Please be assured that your application will be dealt with in the strictest confidence with ourselves. We ha…
What Is The Best Life Insurance Company For Overweight People?
Our company works together with many clients all of which have different medical conditions, being overweight is one of the many factors we look at. The insurers have specific guidelines they will look at regarding BMI, and if your BMI is higher than…
Insurance Questions
Can I Apply For Life Insurance Without A Medical?
There are two main ways to apply for Life Insurance: medically underwritten or non-medically underwritten. If you choose a medically underwritten policy, premiums will likely be lower but you will be asked about your medical background. You are u…
Can I Get Children's Life Insurance?
It is possible to get Critical Illness Cover once you have been free of cancer for a set period of time. With some low staging and grading cancers Critical Illness Cover can be available at standard terms. However most individuals with a history of c…
Can I Get Life Insurance For My Parents?
You can purchase Life Insurance for your parents as long as there is an insurable interest (e.g. funeral costs, mortgage, etc). You will probably be asked to have your parents speak with an advisor to confirm that they are happy for you to arrange t…
Can I Get Life Insurance Over 60?
In many circumstances people over the age of 60 can obtain Life Insurance. If you are in good health then you will find the cheapest premiums that are available will be with a standard Life Insurance policy, which asks you about your medical backgro…
Can I Get Life Insurance Over 70?
Most people over the age of 70 can take out Life Insurance. Where possible a standard Life Insurance policy (one which asks about your medical background) will probably provide you with the cheapest premium of the available policy types. An Over 50…
Can I Pay For Life Insurance From My Company?
If you have taken out an ordinary personal Life Insurance policy then you should be able to pay from your own company bank account, however this will be taxed as a benefit in kind (P11D) so there is no major benefit in doing so. If however you have …
Can I Pay For My Critical Illness Policy Annually?
Most Critical Illness providers allow you to pay annual premiums. These are likely to work out slightly cheaper than monthly but not by a great deal. Be careful though as if you need to cancel cover part way through a year not all providers will ref…
Can I Pay For My Income Protection Policy Annually?
Most Income Protection providers allow you to pay annual premiums. These are likely to work out slightly cheaper than monthly but not by a great deal. Be careful though as if you need to cancel cover part way through a year not all providers will re…
Can I Pay For My Life Insurance Policy Annually?
Most Life Insurance providers allow you to pay annual premiums. These are likely to work out slightly cheaper than monthly but not by a great deal. Be careful though as if you need to cancel cover part way through a year not all providers will refun…
Can I Pay For My Life Insurance Policy Monthly?
Most Life Insurance policies are arranged to pay as standard on a monthly basis via direct debit. The price is usually slightly higher than paying annually. If you have any more questions give us a call on 0800 567 7450 or if you would like more …
Can You Get Critical Illness Cover For Business Owners?
In general many business owners would probably see the highest benefit of arranging a Critical Illness policy the same way that anyone else would, as an individual. There is a specialist Critical Illness policy for business owners available within th…
Can You Get Critical Illness Cover For Children?
A big basis of writing insurance policies comes from the question, what is the insurable interest of this individual? For a parent this can be easy to establish as mortgage liabilties and the loss of annual income can have a great impact on a family’…
Do I Need Life Insurance If I Am Single?
This is really dependent upon your individual circumstances. The main thing that you need to consider is if anybody is financially dependant upon you. Do you have children, a mortgage or loan? If the answer is no to all of these then your need for…
Do I Need Life Insurance When Buying A Property?
All mortgage lenders will have a proviso within their loan offer that you have a minimum of Buildings Insurance when you purchase a property. You do not have to purchase Life Insurance when you buy a property and you will typically pay well over the …
How Confidential Is The Information Provided In My Application?
Your application is handled with the utmost care, sensitivity and confidentiality when placed through ourselves. You will have a dedicated insurance adviser and administrator who will look after your application and liaise with the insurance provider…
How Do I Place My Life Insurance In Trust?
If you have arranged your life insurance with us, you should have received a Trust form in your policy pack. We are happy to talk through the forms with you and help you identify potential executors and beneficiaries for your policy. If you have l…
How Much Does Income Protection Cost?
This will depend upon your individual circumstances and your choice of policy. You can generally insure 50-65% of your salary with an Income Protection policy, with benefit claim periods lasting anywhere from 1 year up to your anticipated retirement…
How Quickly Can I Get Life Insurance?
Once your policy has gone through the underwriting process and you are happy with the terms offered your policy can start on a day of your choosing. If your application is immediately underwritten you can get your Life Insurance started straight awa…
I Have Been Declined Life Insurance, What Can I Do?
This depends upon your individual circumstances. Depending upon the reasons for declinature you may be able to place your insurance application with another insurer or with a specialist provider who can consider your application. We regularly handl…
Should I Get Whole Of Life Insurance?
You should get Whole of Life Insurance if you feel that you need it and can afford the policy premiums. Whole of Life Insurance differs to regular Life Insurance as there is no end date to the policy term. Whole of Life Insurance is typically used …
What Does Critical Illness Cover Include?
This is largely dependent upon the insurance provider and the time at which your policy started. You will be issued a Key Features document with your policy schedule which will detail the full list of conditions and the requirements by the insurer t…
What Is A Life Insurance Beneficiary?
A Life Insurance Beneficiary is a person named within a Trust that is named by the Policyholder as an intended recipient of the policy payout. If you have any more questions give us a call on 0800 567 7450 or if you would like more information on …
What Is A Life Insurance Lump Sum?
The lump sum associated with a Life Insurance policy is the amount of money that your kin will receive should you pass away. If you have a Level Term Life Insurance policy this figure will be the amount that you decided to take out at the start of…
What Is Terminal Illness Insurance?
Most Life Insurance policies come with Terminal Illness cover integrated into the standard policy. It means that if you are diagnosed with less than 12 months to live you can place a claim on your Life Insurance policy early; some Life policies excl…
What Is The Maximum Age For Life Insurance?
This depends upon the type of policy that you take out. A standard Life Insurance policy can be used to insure you up to the age of 90. A Whole of Life Insurance policy will insure you for the duration of your life. You will typically find that yo…
Occupation Questions
Can I Get Critical Illness Cover If I Work On An Oil Rig?
Critical Illness Cover for oil rig workers is available but you should ensure that you approach the correct insurance provider to secure the best terms for your cover. Those in low risk occupations based in UK waters can find that their policy is ac…
Can I Get Income Protection If I Work On An Oil Rig?
Income Protection is available to offshore workers but may come with special terms. As transport to the oil rig will typically be by helicopter, the insurer may place an exclusion on the policy for claims related to this form of travel for work rela…
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Work On An Oil Rig?
It is possible to get Life Insurance when you are an offshore worker, most easily so if you are based in UK waters. Those in low risk jobs such as administrators, can often secure the cover at normal terms. If you take part in more hazardous roles …
I Am A Teacher, Can I Get Income Protection?
You can get income protection when you are teacher with many insurance providers. Teachers are seen as having a higher risk of claim on an income protection policy, due to the stress that comes with the job. Ideally you want a policy that is accepted…
What Is The Best Income Protection For Doctors?
At the present time there are a couple of insurers who have tailored Income Protection policies for doctors, that provide a claim benefit that matches and follows your sick pay entitlement from the NHS. The choices can be a bit of a minefield to nav…
Pastime Questions
Can I Get Income Protection If I Do Mountaineering?
If your mountaineering is infrequent and based at locations with a low risk rating then an insurer may offer you an Income Protection policy at normal terms. Where mountaineering occurs regularly or at higher risk locations, the insurer may place an…
What Is The Best Critical Illness Plan For Scuba Divers?
There are a number of insurers who offer Critical Illness Cover for scuba divers. In order to establish the terms that they are willing to offer the insurer will want to know how regularly you dive, the qualifications you hold and if you take part i…
What Is The Best Life Insurance For Scuba Divers?
Different insurers will provide different underwriting guides and policy terms for a scuba diving disclosure. There are a number of insurance providers who will consider offering Life Insurance at normal terms for scuba divers provided that the dive…
Travel Questions
Can I Keep My Life Insurance If I Move Abroad?
You would need to check your policy but many Life Insurance companies allow you to keep existing cover provided that your policy premiums are paid from a UK bank account. If you have any more questions give us a call on 0800 567 7450 or if you wou…
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