Transgender & Life Insurance
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Transgender & Life Insurance
We understand that being transgender is not a choice that a person makes to change their gender, it’s a decision to live their life as they truly are.
Our advisers will listen to you and no matter what stage you are, in your transition, will find you insurance with an insurer who is supportive of your health.
Things we need to know:
- Are you planning gender reassignment surgery?
- Do you take hormone replacement therapy?
- Have you spoken to a counsellor or psychiatrist?
Life Insurance for transgender people should be available at standard terms with most insurance providers. Changes to the law in 2012 mean that insurance providers must provide the same premium pricing for both males and females.
For transgender people this means that you can apply for Life Insurance as male or female, depending upon your gender identity and not your biological sex. Unfortunately protection insurance applications still require us to say that a person is either male or female.
We know that this might not feel supportive and we do appreciate that it could cause a negative feeling towards applying for insurance. Whilst we cannot change insurers systems we will make a note of your true gender and pronouns, so that we can support you fully.
If you are planning to undergo surgical gender reassignment, it is possible that the insurer will postpone your Life Insurance application until after this occurs.
Transgender & Critical Illness Cover
Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.
Critical illness cover for people who are transgender can also be available at standard terms with many insurers. The insurer will want to know if you have seen a psychiatrist about your transgender identity, if you take any medication or are planning gender reassignment surgery.
Being transgender does not place you at a higher risk of making a claim on the the policy, so you should be offered this policy at normal terms, provided that you have no other risk factors.
For those who are awaiting any form of surgery in the near future the insurance provider will generally delay the application for Critical Illness Cover, until after you have fully recuperated.
Transgender & Income Protection
Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.
Income protection for transgender people will generally be available at normal terms. The insurer will want to know if you have had any time off work due to medical reasons in the past.
Insurers treat men and women equally when it comes to the pricing of income protection policies, so being transgender in itself, will not affect the terms that you are offered. If you are in good health, it is likely that you will be able to secure income protection at standard terms.
Get an Income Protection Quote
If you are due to undergo surgery soon, you may find that full Income Protection is unavailable until after you have fully recovered from the operation. Whilst this is the case, you may want to look at an Accident, Sickness and Unemployment policy.
This type of insurance is not medically underwritten and can pay you a claim if you are unable to work due to ill health or involuntary redundancy cover. Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover can pay you a replacement income for between 12 and 24 months.
It is important to note that these policies do exclude claims relating to any pre-existing medical conditions that you have, and planned surgery, would fall under this exclusion.
Transgender & Travel Insurance
Are you planning a holiday? It is important that you arrange travel insurance that covers you if you were to fall ill and need medical assistance.
We are delighted to have teamed up with experts in travel insurance Emerald Life, that can help you get the protection that you need. Emerald Life are dedicated to diversity and inclusion and you can find out more about them on our travel insurance page.
What is Transgender?
Transgender individuals are people who feel that they are the opposite gender to that which they have physically developed; gender identity versus biological sex. A person who has these feelings may choose to try and ignore them, live as the opposite gender or undergo an operation to physically transition to the opposite sex. It is possible that when a child is born with both male and female genitalia that the parents choice of the child’s gender may differ to the child’s gender identity, which will not necessarily be known until early adulthood. Being transgender does not have any bearing upon an individuals sexual orientation.
Also: Transsexual, gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence, transgenderism
Linked with: Depression, anxiety, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), intersex conditions (ambiguous genitalia)
Possible Effects on Lifestyle
Some potential problems experienced by individuals who are transgender include:
- Feeling of distress during puberty
- Hiding gender characteristics such as breasts
- Reluctance to take part in gender specific activities
- Self harm
- Social withdrawal
- Wanting to dress in clothes that are stereotypical of the other gender
Medications and Treatments
- Bilateral mastectomy
- Breast implants
- Clitoroplasty
- Counselling
- Facial feminisation surgery
- Gender reassignment surgery
- Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
- Hormone therapy
- Hysterectomy
- Orchidectomy
- Penectomy
- Penile implant
- Phalloplasty or metoidioplasty
- Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Scrotoplasty
- Social Gender Role Transition (SGRT)
- Vaginoplasty
- Vulvoplasty
Further Reading and Research
- CuraVision Gender Reassignment video
- CuraVision Transgender video
- Transsexuals Life Insurance
- – Gender dysphoria
- – Transhealth
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Common Questions
Just like anybody else, you complete the form with the gender that you are. If you have a gender recognition certificate you can apply for your insurance, with your true gender.
It depends. If you are planning on having gender reassignment surgery and have a date planned, then the insurer is probably going to want to wait to set up your insurance until after the operation has happened. If you are just thinking that surgery may be something that you want in the future, but have no concrete plans in place, then you should be able to arrange your insurance without any delays.
If you are considering surgery in the future and have no set plans, then you will be able to get Life Insurance on the standard market. But, if you have gender reassignment surgery already scheduled or will soon be doing so, then the insurer will want to wait until after the surgery has happened and you have fully recovered. The concern that the insurer will have is that you will be going under general anaesthetic and any surgery does carry a risk of death. You will be able to get life insurance with a specialist insurer, but you must be prepared that it will exclude any claims that happen as a direct result of your surgery.
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Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd
This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

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