YouTubers & Life Insurance
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YouTubers & Life Insurance
Having access to Youtube these days is part and parcel of most peoples’ lives, and as a Youtuber, creating and sharing regular content is a key part of your work. If you’re looking for life insurance, the type available to you will often depend on the nature of your content and activities.
We will ask you:
- What kind of activities do you do on Youtube?
- Does your work as a Youtube influencer involve you travelling abroad frequently?
In general, Youtubers engaging in “low-risk” activities are likely to get life insurance at standard terms. However, if your work includes “high-risk” activities (eg extreme sports), you can find that some insurers charge you higher monthly premiums. If your content is sports-related, take a look at our sports-specific pages to understand how these activities might alter your options for life insurance.
Likewise, if you travel internationally for longer periods, take a look at our travel-related pages. UK life insurance providers typically require applicants to be UK residents, but don’t worry—if you spend significant time abroad, we can adjust our advice to look at international life insurance providers.
Our advisers are here to help you find the right insurer to match your circumstances, to get you the best terms possible.
YouTubers & Income Protection
Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.
Earning a living through making Youtube videos is a relatively new career path for insurers to consider. It’s quite common for YouTube influencers’ income to fluctuate, which means that some insurers and income protection products are not right for you. As a Youtuber, getting income protection is possible with some insurers in the UK that can consider being a YouTuber as an occupation. The type of activities you are doing to create your content will have a big influence on your options.
There are specialised policies that allows for income fluctuation. We’ll need to know whether you work through a limited company or are self-employed, as this information will help us choose the most appropriate income protection options for your situation.
Our advisers recommend income protection for people every day and we will be able to let you know exactly what you can have. Get in touch today for a no obligation quotation.
YouTubers & Critical Illness Cover
Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.
If you’re considering Critical Illness Cover as a Youtuber and your activities are classified as “low risk,” you’re likely to be offered standard terms. This means the insurer will charge you the regular premium without adding exclusions to your policy.
However, if your videos focus on high-risk sports or involve frequent international travel, the terms offered may differ. Insurers might increase your premiums or apply exclusions related to the activities that pose a higher risk of a claim.
Our expert advisers will find the right critical illness policy to match your work.
YouTubers & Travel Insurance
We work alongside a specialist travel broker to get you the travel insurance that you need. It is even more important to make sure that seek advice if you are regularly travelling outside of the UK to see your clients. To find out more, please visit our travel page here.
Possible Risks
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Mental Health issues
Occupational Duties
- Analysing metrics
- Collaborating with others
- Content creation and planning
- Editing
- Marketing
- Monitoring trends
- For more information on specific health conditions, pastimes, occupations and countries please select here:
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Cura Financial Services has been rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 813 reviews.
Review by Eve on 26th November 2024
“Excellent service, very friendly and knowledgeable” - 5
You can read more of our reviews here.
Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd
This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here
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