Professional Sports People & Life Insurance

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Professional Sports PeopleProfessional sports people applying for life insurance might find that getting insurance is a bit trickier than they expect. The options that you see for life insurance will really depend upon what sport you do.

To find the best life insurance for you our advisers will ask:

  • What sport do you do?
  • How often are you competing?
  • Do you travel abroad for your work?

Some professional sports are not considered to be risky by insurers and are you will probably get standard terms for life insurance. This is most likely for footballers, runners, archers, swimmers and cricketers, as a few examples.

There are sports that insurers see as quite high risk. You can find that the insurers increase your policy premium and some might not offer you life insurance at all. This is some insurers, not all. Higher risk sports are usually ones where if things go wrong they can really go wrong e.g. racing car drivers, jockeys.

Our expert advisers will find the right life insurance policy to match you and your work.

Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.

Critical illness cover for professional sports people can be available at normal terms as long as the sport that you do is low risk. It can be hard because what an insurer sees as high or low risk can often be different to what people think. Some examples of low risk sports are swimming, golf and tennis.

Where there is a higher risk of significant injury due to your sport the insurer may increase the policy premiums. Insurers are particularly interested in sports that could increase your risk of total permanent disability, traumatic head injury, etc.

Our award winning advisers are here to find the best critical illness policy to match your work.

Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.

Income protection for professional sports people is not always straightforward, if you don’t know the insurance market through and through. We do!

Income protection applications are assessed on if there’s anything about your work, travel or health that could make it more likely for you to claim. With you being a sports professional it doesn’t take much for you to have an jury that could stop you working. 

The insurers will want to know about any injuries that you have had in the last few years, especially if you had to stop working because of it.

Our advisers will find the right insurer that can support you and the sports you do, so that your income and financial future is protected.


Some insurers offer rewards and the ability to reduce your policy premiums if you are fit and active. Long story short if you wear a fitness tracker and can log your activities with them.

This can work really well with you and your work. Our advisers will help you decide if this option is right for you. You can read more about it on our healthy living page.

We work alongside a specialist travel broker that can find the right policy for you if you’re planning a holiday. To find out more, please visit our travel page here.

  • Archer
  • Bowler
  • Boxer
  • Cricketer
  • Footballer
  • Golfer
  • Gymnast
  • Jockey
  • Motorbike racer
  • Racing car driver
  • Rugby player
  • Snooker player
  • Stuntperson
  • Tennis player
  • Wrestler
  • Sports related injury

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Review by Lucinda on 15th September 2020

Excellent. Cura made me feel at ease and the service was excellent. I was happy with the speed and communication. - 5 

You can read more of our reviews here.

Professional Sports People

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

Professional Sports People

Client Reviews

Professional Sports People

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Professional Sports People
Professional Sports People