Women’s Health & Life Insurance
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Women's Health & Life Insurance
Women need protection insurance.
A woman that is in employment should ideally be considering income protection. I will talk about this further below, because it’s so important that women are financially independent for themselves and not reliant upon a partner.
We are no longer in a society where women stay at home, many women hold successful careers. Being employed and earning money isn’t what determines someone’s worth. There is also a financial value to raising children, to looking after the home, to being the cook, cleaner, family organiser and many other things.
This next section discusses life insurance in terms of a woman that has a family. This is because if you are a woman that does not have a partner or children, your need for life insurance is significantly reduced, and the main focus should ideally be income protection or critical illness cover.
Here are some things to consider for life insurance:
- Do you have a mortgage that your partner or children will inherit?
- Would your partner need to reduce their work and earnings, to look after your children if you die?
- If your partner cannot alter their work, if you die, would they need to pay for additional childcare?
- How will your family cope if you die and your income is no longer coming into the household?
- Does your family have spare funds to pay for your funeral?
These are some broad questions to help you think about whether life insurance might be something that you need.
To add to all of this, we need to also take into account women’s health. There seems to be a never ending number of health conditions that women can be diagnosed with. Some of them will have an influence on the insurances that you need, some won’t.
To get an idea of what you can expect when you apply for life insurance when you have a health conditions, please use the links below.
Women's Health & Critical Illness Cover
Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.
You will find when you look at this and get a quote that the premium seems pretty large, compared to life insurance. There is a really clear reason for this. You are much more likely to be diagnosed with a critical illness, than you are to die.
I imagine that I don’t need to tell you all the statistics regarding cancer and how likely it is that women will be diagnosed with breast cancer or cervical cancer. We are reminded with regular smear test screenings and once we reach the right age, mammograms. I think there are very few people who have not known someone in their life that has had cancer, male or female.
The questions to ask yourself about whether critical illness cover is right for you, are the same as life insurance, with a few extras. Now we are not just focusing upon women who have people dependent upon them, we are focusing upon you.
Ask yourself:
- Do you have a mortgage that you will struggle to repay if you are critically ill?
- Do you have spare cash to adapt your home, or move home, if your health changes?
These are again just some general initial questions to ask yourself. Within the UK we have a state benefit system, that some people think will look after them if they become ill, and it will, but only to a certain level. State benefits are designed to meet your most basic needs only. Critical illness cover is designed to help you help make your life more comfortable and allow you to focus on your health, without having to worry about immediate finances too.
Something that I really want to be clear about too is the survivability clause that comes with standalone critical illness cover. That is some fancy jargon that basically means critical illness cover with no life insurance combined with it.
Critical illness cover setup on it’s own has a survivability clause. This means that if you are diagnosed with a claimable condition e.g. a heart attack, and you die within the first 10-28 days (depending upon the insurer), the insurer will not pay a claim.
This might be suit you, if you are single and have no dependents. But, there are quite a few insurers that do not charge more for including life insurance too. Sometimes where they do charge more it is hardly any difference in price. It’s always worth asking the price difference.
By including the life insurance, if you are diagnosed with a critical illness and do die shortly after, the claim will automatically transfer to a life insurance claim.
Women's Health & Income Protection
Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.
Income protection is a policy that can often be misunderstood. The policy will pay a monthly income replacement, if you are ill and unable to work due to ill health. It does not cover loss of income due to redundancy.
Income protection policies have a number of areas that are full of jargon. Here is a breakdown of the main parts:
- Sum Assured: This is the amount of your income that is protected each month. Typically somewhere between 50-80% of your gross income.
- Deferred Period: This is the amount of time that you would need to be ill and unable to work, before a successful claim will start paying. This is often 4 weeks, 13 weeks, or 26 weeks. It cannot start before sick pay from your employer ends.
- Policy Term: This is how long the policy will last for, it is usually set to your retirement age.
- Claim Period: This is how long a successful claim will pay for and is usually 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, or all the way to your retirement age.
- Claims definition: You ideally want an ‘own occupation’ policy. This means that the policy will pay out if you are ill and cannot do your exact job. Other definitions are much broader and harder to claim on.
Income protection will look more expensive than life insurance, because you are much more likely to be ill and unable to work, than you are of dying at a young age.
If you are wondering if you need income protection, here are some questions to help support you:
- Does your employer offer enhanced sick pay?
- Do you have some money put aside to cover your bills if your income stops?
- Statutory sick pay is £95.85 per week for a maximum of 28 weeks*. Can you pay your monthly bills on £415.36 per month?
Income protection policy is the type of insurance where you hope that you will never ever need it, but if you do, it can truly transform your financial security for many years.
*Correct as of 9 March 2021, UK Gov.
Women's Health & Travel Insurance
For many people going on holiday is an amazing escape from work and the daily tolls of life, as it should be! The last thing that you want to do is worry about whether your travel insurance is setup right. To speak with a specialist travel insurance broker, please visit our dedicated page here.
What is Women's Health?
Women’s health conditions can cover so many things. It can be the mind, breasts, reproductive organs, hormones, and so much more. There almost seems like a never ending list of symptoms that women need to look out for.
I think most of us are familiar with the need to check our breasts for signs of any changes, but if you aren’t, please watch this video where I talk through some of the common signs of breast cancer:
Women's Health Conditions
Here are some conditions that are often linked to women’s health. Some of these medical conditions can also be experienced by men.
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Endometriosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Miscarriage
- Menopause
- Osteoporosis
- Postnatal Depression
- Urinary Incontinence
- Vitamin D Deficiency
Further Reading and Research
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Common Questions
Hi, it can seem strange some of the questions that are asked on insurance applications. Most insurers on the standard market are going to ask about your family medical history, for your immediate relatives. You are often asked if your parents or siblings had certain health conditions before the age of 60 or 65.
This is so that the insurer can then compare your circumstances, to a huge history of data that they have, to see if you are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer like your mum. This is all based upon statistics and predictions, things that are calculated in the background.
Your mum having breast cancer at age 46 isn’t necessarily going to affect the options for life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection. With some insurers it might, some not at all. This is one of the reasons that our advisers are here to support you through the application process. We will find the right insurer for you, before an application goes ahead, so that you get the best offer of insurance.
It’s also really important to note that if you have had the BRCA test, insurers cannot ask you about this, even if your result was positive. If you are having symptoms that may lead to a diagnosis, then that in itself will most likely be discussed in the application, but they cannot ask you about BRCA predictive tests or results.
Thank you for being so open about what you are experiencing. I know quite a few women that experience this and it is not always the easiest thing to discuss. The first thing I would like to assure you is that our advisers are specifically trained to speak with people in a sensitive and supportive manner.
When it comes to applying for the insurances, your incontinence could come up in questions with some insurers. There may be questions about any medications that you take, if it affects your ability to work, or if you are due any investigations. The majority of insurers are going to be understanding of your situation, this is something that many women experience, but not many of us talk about it.
The main thing is research. It’s incredibly important to research with multiple insurers to make sure that you are getting the best insurance offer for you. Our team are here to do all the running around for you. This means that you only need to tell us about your health, and we will talk to different insurers for you, rather than you having to speak to each one yourself.
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Cura Financial Services has been rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 827 reviews.
Review by Georgina on 11th February 2021
“I will be highly recommending Alan and the Cura team to anyone I know. I cannot recommend Alan and his team enough. Having dealt with a number of IFAs and Life Insurance specialists over the past few months I can definitely say he has been the best, most comprehensive and without question knowledgeable person I've spoken to. I'm incredibly grateful for the recommendation I was given to seek his services. On top of his knowledge I have also found himself and his team an absolute pleasure to work with. A massive thank you to them and wonderful peace of mind I now have with my policies in place.” - 5
You can read more of our reviews here.
- For more information on specific health conditions, pastimes, occupations and countries please select here:

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd
This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

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