Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance

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Testicular Cancer & Life InsuranceBeing diagnosed with, and treated for, testicular cancer is likely to ignite a range of emotions and these can change very quickly from one day to the next. You might fluctuate between feeling upset, frightened and confused. Similarly, you might be feeling positive and able to cope one day but this could be a different story the next.

And whilst this can be unsettling, one thing for sure is that protecting yourself and your family will be a priority, even though you may be worried that life insurance is not available to you because you’ve had testicular cancer in the past.

We’re here to tell you that this is not the case. With our help, you can still get the cover you need to protect your family financially and give you peace of mind moving forward. Our expert advisors listen carefully to every detail of your case and then work with you to find the best life insurance cover for you.

Here’s what we’d need to know to get started:

  • When you had testicular cancer
  • The stage that your testicular cancer had reached
  • The treatment that you received (such as chemotherapy)
  • The last time you received the treatment
  • The length of time since you were given the all-clear

There’s a common perception that you can’t get life insurance once you’ve had testicular cancer, but this isn’t true. Testicular cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, and the vast majority of men survive more than five years after initial diagnosis.

Our expertise helps you to find a life insurer who offers the cover you need at the best price. And whilst it is true that premiums can be higher if you’ve had testicular cancer in the past, this is not always the case.

For instance, if it has been a long time since you received the all-clear, your premiums could match those of someone who has not experienced cancer. This is because premiums are likely to be higher if the all-clear was more recent or if the stage of the cancer was more advanced. But don’t worry, this is not a barrier – it simply means that insurers may be willing to give you what they call “non-standard” cover which simply means a higher premium.

But as time passes and you are further away from having had cancer, there does become more opportunities for insurance. This means that, at some point, you could be able to arrange life insurance that is no more expensive or complex than someone that hasn’t had testicular cancer before.

We have lots of experience in dealing with a range of situations for differing types and stages of testicular cancer and you can rely on us to guide you through the process, highlighting the best options for you as we go.

We’ll be there to help you with additional information that insurers may request too. In a lot of cases, your doctor could be asked to provide a medical report detailing more information about your health. We know that this can sometimes be unnerving and a sensitive area for some to revisit but our experts are there to listen and are trained to provide you with the right support and guidance.

As with life insurance, having been diagnosed with testicular cancer does not mean that you are suddenly excluded from critical illness cover. It just means that securing it may not be as straightforward and we may need the input of specialist insurers depending on your individual circumstances.

This is something that we can look into for you, using our knowledge and expertise to find the best solution. And it may be that even though you’ve had testicular cancer in the past, cover may still be available at standard terms.

This is more likely to be the case if the cancer was of a low grade, at an early stage or a set period of time has passed since your last treatment. And if we find that standard terms are not yet possible, a policy with a cancer exclusion could be.

If, when telling us about your situation, we learn that your cancer was of a higher grading or at a later stage, we can look into critical illness cover with a specialist provider. This can include higher premiums and/or a cancer exclusion which may be general or specific to testicular cancer. Either way, we can navigate this for you, and if we find that some insurers decline or postpone cover for a number of years, we will look into other options on your behalf.

Protecting yourself and your family against loss of earnings, should you be unable to work due to illness or injury, is a priority for most and we can help you to find the best policy for your circumstances.

When you apply for income protection following a testicular cancer diagnosis, we will need to understand from you what the grade and stage of the cancer was, whether there are any ongoing consequences, when you finished your treatment and the time that has passed since you last had the cancer.

We know that this level of information can be sensitive for some people and our team of experts will work with you to get a really good insight into your current situation because we also know that with income protection, this detail is the primary focus.

For people that can show a longer length of time since their last treatment, the chances of securing cover at standard terms is more likely. If, however, the testicular cancer has been more recent or was diagnosed as a higher grade, then it could be that we need to look at some specialist insurers who will provide the cover but may choose to either place a cancer exclusion on the policy or increase the policy premiums.

In some cases and with some insurers, your application may be turned down or postponed for a specified number of years but don’t worry, we can deal with this on your behalf and look to find an insurer that is more open to your circumstances.

Get an Income Protection Quote

It may be that we find income protection is not the best option for you and as an alternative, look into Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover instead. This could provide monthly income replacement for between 12-24 months and as the policies are not medically underwritten, a previous diagnosis of testicular cancer will have no bearing on the policy price or acceptance terms.

It is worthwhile noting, however, that whilst this is the case, any claim that you place will be medically assessed, and any relating to existing conditions will be excluded.


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You can view a transcript for this CuraVision Cancer video here.

Please see our video case study of a client who was a cancer survivor, that we were able to arrange insurance for here.

What is Testicular Cancer?

Testicular cancer typically affects young to middle-aged males and is often linked to a genetic predisposition to the condition or as a complication of undescended testes. Testicular cancer is typically diagnosed following the presence of a lump in the scrotum that is confirmed by medical professionals to be germ cell cancer (seminoma or non-seminoma cancer); alternatively other more rare forms of cancer may be found. It is recommended that males check their testicles for any changes at least once per month.

Also: Germ cell testicular cancer, Leydig cell tumour, Sertoli cell tumour, Testicular Lymphoma

Linked with: Cancer, cryptorchidism

Some potential problems experienced by individuals who have had testicular cancer include:

    • Gynaecomastia
    • heavy feeling in the scrotum
    • Hydrocele
    • Infertility issues
    • Painless lump in the testicles
  • Bleomycin sulphate (Bleo-Kyowa)
  • Chemotherpay
  • Cisplatin
  • Etopophos
  • Etoposide
  • Etoposide phosphate (Etopophos)
  • Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (LRPLND)
  • Lomustine
  • Lymph node surgery
  • Methotrexate (Maxtrex)
  • Methotrexate sodium
  • Nerve-sparing retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND)
  • Orchidectomy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Testosterone replacement therapy
  • Vepesid
  • Vinblastine sulphate (Vinblastine)

Common Questions

I’m sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, I hope that you have people around you that you can speak to for support. For the life insurance, it really depends on quite a few different things. It could be that for a little while you need to look at a life insurance policy that excludes death due to the testicular cancer, until you are on the mend. This may not sound ideal, but it still covers a lot of other scenarios. There may be other options too, let’s have a chat.

I know it’s not the answer that you want, but yes it is legal. With insurance, insurers are allowed to set their own rules on who they will and will not accept as a customer. It’s not nice, but we are working to improve access to insurance with input from insurers, trade organisations and charities. The important thing to know is to shop around! Where one insurer may increase your premium by X amount, another may be cheaper only charging Y amount more, another may not charge a higher premium at all. It all depends on your individual circumstances and we can help you find the right insurer for you.


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Cura Financial Services has been rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 825 reviews.

Review by Robert on 9th October 2019

James and Evie were exceptional in keeping me informed all the way through the process. - 5 

You can read more of our reviews here.

Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance

Client Reviews

Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance

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Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance
Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance
Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance
Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance
Testicular Cancer & Life Insurance