Panic Attacks & Life Insurance

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Panic Attacks & Life InsurancePanic attacks can be triggered by a number of things and we understand that going through the process of applying for life insurance may feel unsettling.

I have experienced panic attacks since my early 20s. I don’t think that anyone can truly understand what they are, unless they have felt one. Mine made me feel quite nervous when I first applied for my insurances. 

Things we need to know to get started:

  • How often do you have panic attacks?
  • Have you had any time off work because of this?
  • Do you take any medication or undergo any treatment for panic attacks?

The good news is that standard terms for life insurance, are often available to people who have panic attacks. 

This is mostly likely when our panic attacks are well controlled and have not led to recent serious events such as suicide attempts.

If having panic attacks has caused significant time off work, required high strength medication or psychiatric treatment, then the price for life insurance could increase.

The important thing is to find the right insurer for you. This is where our advisers step in and help to find the insurer that is going to be supportive of you.

Please request a quotation and an adviser will help you to find the life insurance that you need.

Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.

Similar to life insurance, panic attacks themselves are unlikely to affect a critical illness cover applications in a big way.

High strength medication, self harm and large periods of time off work can cause price increases, but often critical illness insurance for people living with panic attacks is accepted at normal terms.

Applications for critical illness cover with anxiety disorders are handled with sensitivity and care to minimise stress. Some people like to talk to an adviser, some prefer to communicate by email for a while. We adapt our processes to suit your individual needs. 


Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.

Income protection for people that have panic attacks or anxiety disorder, can often be arranged.

If you have had symptoms or have taken medication within the last few years, it is likely that you will receive an exclusion for claims relating to mental health. With some insurers, if they do put a mental health exclusion on the policy, they will place a discount on your policy premiums.

If you have been symptom and medication free for a number of years, some providers may be able to consider cover without the exclusion.


Are you planning a trip abroad? It is worthwhile making sure that you know exactly what your travel insurance covers you for, when it comes to panic attacks. Visit our dedicated travel insurance page for more information, here.

You can view a transcript for this CuraVision Mental Health video here.


What are Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks are a debilitating event that can often be difficult for people to understand, unless they themselves or someone close to them has experienced one. A panic disorder develops when there is a recurrence of panic attacks, at what are considered normal social situations that “should” not be scary.

When you have a panic attack your body and mind enter into a ‘flight’ mode, with people often only able to become calm once they have left the trigger situation. Symptoms often mimic a heart attack and can be extremely disconcerting for the person experiencing them.

Panic attacks often occur after a build up of stress or being confronted by a specific trigger. Treatments such as hypnotherapy, acupuncture, cognitive behaviour therapy can sometimes help. For some individuals, the fear of potentially having a panic attack can develop which can lead to other conditions such as agoraphobia.

Also Known as: Anxiety disorder, panic disorder

Linked with: Agoraphobia, chest pain, shortness of breath

Common problems experienced by individuals who experience panic attacks include

  • Racing heart and chest pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Extreme fluctuation between hot and cold
  • A warm tingly sensation throughout the body
  • Continence issues
  • Sweaty palms
  • Heart palpitations
  • Feeling of helplessness.

Many people who experience a panic attack for the first time describe the feeling as if they were having a heart attack. The symptoms can often be mistaken by family, friends and work colleagues as a heart attack.

Common Questions

These questions can be difficult to answer. I have anxiety and have had panic attacks, it can be quite hard to decide what is ‘anxiety’ and what is just regular day to day anxiety. I sometimes sit exams and can feel a bit anxious beforehand, as many people would do. That isn’t necessarily what the insurers are asking for. It’s a good idea to chat with an adviser who can chat through the best way to complete the form.

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Fantastic service from friendly and helpful advisors. Extremely professional and helpful with excellent knowledge of the products. Cannot recommend them highly enough - 5 

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Panic Attacks & Life Insurance

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

Panic Attacks & Life Insurance

Client Reviews

Panic Attacks & Life Insurance

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