Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance

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Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance

Cosmetic Surgery & Life InsuranceCosmetic surgery is something that insurers might ask you about, if you have had it done in the last 5 year or so. This is because most insurers in the UK ask if you have seen any medical professional, or had any investigations or medical treatments in the last few years.

Most cosmetic surgeries will have no impact upon your ability to get life insurance, but it’s always worth checking as you never know.

To get things started we will ask you:

  • What cosmetic procedure have you had?
  • When did you have cosmetic surgery?
  • Did you have the cosmetic surgery in the UK?
  • Have you fully recovered from the cosmetic surgery?

When you have had cosmetic surgery life insurance companies will usually want you to be fully recovered before you can start a policy with them. They just want to make sure that you are fine after the anaesthesia, do not have any infections and that your body has healed.

If you are fully recovered from your cosmetic surgery then you should be able to get life insurance at standard terms.

If you are still recovering from cosmetic surgery then the insurers will probably say to wait and place your life insurance application with them. You will also find this if you have not yet had the cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery usually involves general anaesthesia which does come with some risks. Some insurers also ask if you intend to or are seeking medical treatment abroad. 

There are some life insurance policies that you can take out if you haven’t had your cosmetic surgery yet, but they are quite specialist and will exclude any claims relating to your surgery.

Our expert advisers are to make sure that your life insurance policy is placed with the best insurer for you.

Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.

You should be able to get standard terms for critical illness cover if you have had cosmetic surgery and fully recovered, if the surgery was not due to another health condition.

As an example, f you have had reconstructive breast surgery the insurer will be more focused upon a diagnosis of cancer that you have possibly had, rather than the surgery itself. The insurer will want to know the type of breast cancer that you had, when you had it and how long since you have had treatment. Depending upon the type of breast cancer and when your diagnosis was, the insurer might offer you critical illness cover with a breast cancer exclusion.  Some insurers might include a full cancer exclusion, which is why we suggest that speaking with one of our advisers is so important, as we can look out for these technicalities for you.

Our award winning advisers are here to make sure that you get the right insurer to match you and your health.

Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.

When you have had cosmetic surgery and fully recovered you should be able to get income protection at standard terms. If your cosmetic surgery was done due to another condition e.g. breast cancer, the insurer will want to know more about the diagnosis that you had. If there is a specific medical condition that led to you having cosmetic surgery the insurer might increase the policy premiums or put an exclusion on your policy, relating to that condition.

Our advisers are here to make sure that you get the best insurance policy to protect your income.

Are you going abroad to get cosmetic surgery? It’s always a good idea to make sure that you have good travel insurance in place. You can find out more about getting a quote on our travel insurance page.

What is Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is considered to be an invasive medical procedure that a person volunteers to have done, rather than a surgery that is needed for medical reasons. Cosmetic surgery is designed to change the appearance of the body.

Also: Liposuction, Tummy tuck, Breast reduction, Hair transplant, Breast enlargement, Labiaplasty , Eyelid surgery, Nose reshaping , Ear correction surgery, Surgical fat transfer, Facelift, Cosmetic dentistry, Gender reassignment surgery

Linked with: Body dysmorphia, breast cancer, depression

Some of the changes people may experience after having cosmetic surgery:

  • Improved mental health
  • Increase in self confidence
  • Reduced BMI
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Breast implants
  • Ear pinning
  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Rhytidectomy
  • Vulva surgery

Common Questions

Hi, thank you for reaching out to us. While you are waiting to have the surgery the options for life insurance are currently quite low. Insurers are cautious of any surgery that requires general anaesthesia. There are some life insurance options that you can look at, but they will not cover claims relating to the surgery, so whilst you can take it out it’s not going to do what you want it to.

Sometimes this need for life insurance is linked to the country wanting to know that if you do unfortunately pass away whilst there, that there are funds available for you to be returned to the UK. It might be that there are travel insurance policies more suitable to meet your needs and it’s worth talking to a specialist in this area to see what is available.

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Review by Katie on 8th March 2024

Great service. Fantastic support to find the right product for me. - 5 

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Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance

Client Reviews

Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance

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Cosmetic Surgery & Life Insurance