Vaccine could ease Covid underwriting restrictions
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Home » Guides & News » Vaccine could ease Covid underwriting restrictions
Cura Managing Director, Kathryn Knowles, shares her thoughts with Financial Adviser on how the vaccine could ease Covid underwriting restrictions. Saying she felt a question about the vaccine could be put to clients who are considered a higher underwriting risk.
“My instincts would be to say that I do feel that the question over the vaccination could be asked for people that are considered to be a higher underwriting risk.
“A lot of people are still being able to apply for insurance without any problems at all, but there are significant numbers of people with underlying health conditions that are not finding it easy to get cover.
“Whilst having the vaccine may not open up the doors to insurance for everyone, I am hopeful that there may be some consideration from insurers to start to return to normal.”
Helen Croft, head of underwriting strategy at AIG Life, described the Covid vaccination programme as a “game-changer” for protection insurance underwriting as the probability of people dying from Covid-19 would be significantly reduced.
To read the article in full click here.
Categories: Kathryn Knowles
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