Life Insurance for Pre-Diabetes 2023
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Life Insurance for Pre-Diabetes 2023
When you are told you are pre-diabetic you are often given lots of advice on things that you can do, to try and stop developing diabetes.
With diabetes there is quite a difference between what the medical world say versus the insurance world. When you speak to medical professionals they will often say that you are not yet diabetic and that you can take steps to try and reverse what is happening.
Insurers tend to see things a bit differently. They will often work on the assumption that if you are pre-diabetic that you will become diabetic at some stage. This can mean that the insurers will review your application as if you already have diabetes.
Let’s take a look as some key points.
Pre-Diabetes & Life Insurance
When you apply for life insurance pre-diabetes can be asked in a number of different ways and it’s important that you say yes when you see these:
- Pre-diabetes
- Impaired glucose tolerance
- Raised blood sugar
I’m not sure why different insurers use different wording for this, it doesn’t make it easy, but it’s essential that you say yes when any of these terms are mentioned.
Being pre-diabetic should not stop you from getting life insurance in the UK. You might find that your life insurance premiums increase a little if you are pre-diabetic. This can seem quite frustrating when you are not actually diabetic, but it is the most likely outcome at the moment.
These increases do not have to be silly or large. If the premium for life insurance is £5, it might be that your premiums are increased to £7.50 or £10 per month.
Medical Reports
It’s unlikely that an insurer will ask to see a report of your medical history, if the only disclosure in your life insurance application is pre-diabetes. Many insurers are able to accept life insurance applications straight from your online form, so you can often get your life insurance in place nice and quick.
Protein in the Urine
Something that we come across is people having protein in their urine and not remembering that they have had this. Sometimes they haven’t even been told by their medical professional that this has happened.
If you have had protein in your urine this will probably fall under one of the life insurance questions. If you actively have protein in your urine insurers might ask you to wait to submit your life insurance application until after your urine tests are back to normal. This can sometimes lead to what is known as a postponement of your life insurance application.
The Best Insurer
When it comes to pre-diabetes, if this is the only disclosure that you have, you should have the choice of most insurers in the UK to place your application. Going for the cheapest premium is always tempting but there are some extra things to consider.
Most life insurance policies in the UK come with terminal illness cover built in to them and the quality of this can really vary across providers. Also some insurers will allow you to bolt on things like children’s critical illness cover to your life insurance. These things may or may not be important to you, but it’s always best to see a comparison of what is on offer.
Our award winning advisers will ask you about all the things that we need to know to find the right insurer for you. We are not pushy and will give you the time and space to make a decision that feels right for you. Get in touch for your no obligation quotation today.
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