The protection industry needs to rethink its use of 'impaired lives'
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Home » Guides & News » How and why women must protect their financial affairs
How can women protect themselves and their families, both now and in the future? Financial protection, such as life insurance and critical illness policies, are one way to do this.
Cura Managing Director, Kathryn Knowles, shares her views in the Independent, on the financial value that women assign to themselves, and why protecting that is so important.
“I think there is still the perception that the stay-at-home parent brings less to the household. I think it really surprises people when you show the costs that they may face if that person was no longer around.”
“There is definitely a shift in the financial value that women assign to themselves, but it’s still not happening quickly enough. We need to educate women from a young age, in school and college about the steps they can take, to be financially independent.” Says Kathryn
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Categories: Kathryn Knowles
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