Can I get Life Insurance with Kidney Disease 2023
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Can I get Life Insurance with Kidney Disease 2023
When you are living with kidney disease you can find that arranging life insurance isn’t always straightforward. Insurers are going to ask quite a few questions about your health and you might find that you need to speak to quite a few of them, to find the right one for you.
This is where we shine as we have been helping people with kidney disease and other conditions for years. We know what questions to ask you about your health, so that we can do all the donkey work of researching the market to find you the best life insurance policy.
Here’s some important things to know.
Kidney Disease & Life Insurance
When you have kidney disease there are often options for life insurance for you, it’s just a matter of finding the right insurer for you. There are so many things about your kidney disease that can alter which insurer will give you the most competitive premium.
When you speak with us we will ask you:
- When were you diagnosed with kidney disease?
- Was there a specific cause?
- What is your most recent eGFR reading?
- Do you take any medications?
- Are you awaiting any surgery or undergoing dialysis?
- Are you able to work and do everyday activities?
This information is essential to help us really prepare for what an insurer might offer you, once they have assessed your application for life insurance. The eGFR reading is really key. It is not possible to give you an accurate quotation for life insurance without this number. The insurers will simply tell us that your premium could be anywhere from a small premium increase through to a decline, as the eGFR reading is so important.
Assuming that your kidney function is in a good range and your health has been stable for a while, you are likely to be able to find life insurance within the UK.
If you are currently receiving dialysis, on a kidney transplant list, have recently had protein in the urine, or had lower eGFR readings, you will probably find that most insurers will postpone your application for life insurance. This means that they want to wait a little while before considering your application. This could simply be until you have had a urine test to show there is no more protein in it, or waiting until after your transplant.
Kidney disease can also be link to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It is useful if you share this with us so that we can check everything that we need to know about these conditions with you too.
Medical Reports
Medical reports are very interesting when it comes to kidney disease. There can often be statements in them that someone has CKD3 as an example. This means that the person has stage 3 chronic kidney disease. It essentially means that a person’s kidney function is not working within the normal ranges.
But there are complications with this. Kidney function naturally changes as we get older and it can start to fall within the areas where the readings automatically show as chronic kidney disease. Many medical practitioners see it as a normal part of ageing. However, insurers work differently. They view chronic kidney disease more strictly than the medical profession does.
With kidney disease it is very likely that the insurer will want to see a medical report from your GP to confirm your health. This is only done with your expressed permission to do so. It is paid for by the insurer. It’s a positive as then the insurer has full details of what your kidney is doing and there won’t be a question over whether you have forgotten anything.
Kidney Transplants
Having a kidney transplant does not specifically stop you getting life insurance in the UK, but there are certain things to be mindful of.
- The insurer will want you to be fully recovered from the surgery before they consider your life insurance application.
- Most insurers will want to see that your kidney function has returned to normal.
- The insurer will also want to see that you are responding well to the surgery and there are no signs of rejection.
There are quite a lot of things that insurers will want to know and you can see more on our kidney transplant page.
The Best Insurer
There is no one best insurer for people living with kidney disease. The type of kidney disease that you have, your eGFR, your smoker status, height, weight, medications, ability to work and a whole extra mix of questions will determine the right insurer for you.
I know this will be disappointing, it would be much nicer to be able to say Insurer X is great for people with kidney disease. But there is so much that can change the choice of insurer for you. That’s why we are here. For over a decade we have dedicated ourselves to helping people with health conditions to get the life insurance that they need.
Our expert and multi award winning advisers will ask you everything we need to know to get you the best life insurance policy. We are not pushy and will give you the time and space to make a decision that feels right for you. Get in touch for your no obligation quotation today.
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