Sepsis and Life Insurance

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Sepsis & Life Insurance

Sepsis and Life InsuranceBeing diagnosed with sepsis can be a very worrying time. Many of us have heard that sepsis is life threatening and requires urgent care, so it is likely that you have experienced quite an intense time.

Our advisers are here to listen to your circumstances and provide a supportive environment for you to share your experience.

To get things started we will ask you:

  • When were you diagnosed with sepsis?
  • What medications and treatments did you need to treat the sepsis?
  • How long ago is it since you were told you no longer had sepsis?
  • Have you experienced any complications due to having had sepsis?

When you have had sepsis and fully recovered from the diagnosis, it is likely that you should be able to get life insurance at normal terms within the UK.

There are circumstances where life insurance providers might offer you life insurance at non-standard terms. This usually means an increase to the life insurance premiums and whilst this is never nice to hear, the increases are usually not as bad as people expect them to be.

The times that you might find the life insurance premiums increase is if you have had any complications from the sepsis. Conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder, amputation, multiple organ failure, can potentially lead to insurers offering you life insurance at a higher premium.

Our expert advisers are to make sure that your life insurance policy is placed with the best insurer for you.

Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.

When you apply for critical illness cover the insurers will want to know that you have fully recovered from sepsis. The insurer might want to see a little bit of time from when your treatment has ended to seeing your application, so that they can feel confident that you are back to full health.

There are specific parts of a critical illness policy claims set that could be linked to sepsis: multiple organ failure, loss of hand or foot, etc. This is why the insurer would want to be sure that you have been given the all clear from sepsis.

Our award winning advisers are here to make sure that you get the right insurer to match you and your health.

Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.

When you apply for income protection the insurers want to know about any health conditions you have, or any serious health conditions you have experienced in the last few years. Sepsis is likely to fall within the question set of conditions you have had in recent years. 

Once you have made a full recovery from sepsis you should be able to access income protection at normal terms with most insurers. You can find though that if you have experienced any complications due to the sepsis, that the insurer excludes claims due to these things. As an example if you developed anxiety or depression as a result of having sepsis, the insurer may decide to exclude mental health from the income protection claims set.

Our advisers are here to make sure that you get the best insurance policy to protect your income.

Are you going on holiday? It’s always a good idea to make sure that you have good travel insurance in place. You can find out more about getting a quote on our travel insurance page.

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a life threatening condition that needs urgent medical attention. Sepsis is diagnosed when the body is fighting an infection and this reaction causes damage to the body’s organs. This damage occurs because the body’s autoimmune systems overreacts to the infection.

Linked with: Diabetes, autoimmune conditions, sickle cell anaemia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, mental health, HIV, pneumonia, cellulitis, appendicitis, urinary tract infections, Down’s Syndrome, pregnancy, multiple organ failure

Some of the symptoms people may experience after being diagnosed with sepsis:

  • Fatigue
  • Flashbacks
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Amputation
  • Surgery
  • Ventilation

Common Questions

Hi, thank you for getting in touch. If you have fully recovered from the sepsis and there are no complications following your amputation, then there should be quite a few options for life insurance for you.  

Insurers still use BMI tables as a key way to assess part of someone’s application for life insurance. You can find that when you have had an amputation that this can alter where your BMI sits. Your BMI can have an influence on the premiums that you pay for your life insurance and it is worthwhile making sure that the insurer pays specific attention as to why your BMI might be different to others. 

This is something that our advisers will sort with the insurers for you.

Client Reviews

Cura Financial Services has been rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 813 reviews.

Review by Katie on 20th December 2024

Big thanks. I have used Cura to successfully gain life insurance. I was initially told I wouldn’t be able to get life insurance by others who have the same medical condition as me, however Cura have been amazing to find me a policy. I have trusted them entirely with sensitive medical information and they have shown kindness and professionalism at all times. Thank you so much! - 5 

You can read more of our reviews here.

Sepsis and Life Insurance

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

Sepsis and Life Insurance

Client Reviews

Sepsis and Life Insurance

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  • Specialist advice with no fees to pay
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  • Put your policy into trust at no cost
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Sepsis and Life Insurance